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When God Walks with Us Through the Dark Valleys of Life

Faith helps you weather the bad times in life.

Faith helps you weather bad times.

When things are going well in life, all seems possible. But when in the depths of life’s valley, we can feel defeated, powerless and hopeless. Many years ago, I found myself at such a low point. I was facing challenges in all aspects of life: ministry, marriage and personal. At the time, I couldn’t see the positive in any of it.

The author Os Hillman, wrote, “Life is often very much like this. It is often lived forward but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road a bit that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale and the spiritual deposits He has made in our life as a result.”

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

When I reflect on that time in my journey, I now understand what good came from it:  

–We may not feel that God is with us when times are rough, but His presence sustains us in the valley. Our feelings will deceive us, but God is faithful.     

–Our inner qualities such as patience, endurance and faithfulness grow through these times.

–When times are tough, some will stay by our side while others will walk away. Those who remain will truly support, love and care about us.

–When all you have is God, you discover the power of His grace, love and mercy.

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I wouldn’t want to relive my experience in the valley, but my faith was strengthened from it. If you are currently in the depths, be assured that God is with you. What lesson have you learned from your valley? Please share with us.

Lord, thank You for Your presence at all times, whether good or bad.  

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