A Christmas Angel Hits the Road

Rodney Smith Jr. travels the country bringing Christmas cheer to the homeless.

Rodney Smith Jr. brings Christmas cheer to the homeless

Today’s guest blogger is Meg Belviso, an editor at Angels on Earth magazine.

Recently, Angels on Earth readers got to know Rodney Smith, Jr. He’s the guy who decks out his car in Christmas lights and delivers blankets, gloves, tents, hygiene kits and lots of holiday cheer to the homeless. “So many people avoid the homeless people on the street,” Rodney said. “They don’t want to look at them or find out about them. The more I got to know the people I met, the more real they became. Not a nuisance or a bother. Not something to avoid. They’re people just like me. Like all of us.”

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This year Rodney’s on a “Hope for the Holiday” tour. He plans to deliver gifts to the homeless in all 50 states. He started his journey this year in Mobile, Alabama, with plans to hit Alaska and Hawaii before Christmas. Along the way, he’s met a lot of good people like Andrew, a veteran in Mobile, James in New Orleans and Rebecca in Jackson, some of whom appear in videos on his page. “The most dangerous thing about being out here is being by yourself,” says Kelvin in Jackson. Rodney hopes his visits can help the homeless community feel a little less alone.

Want to support Rodney on his tour? Anyone can help out with donations or baked goods. Check out his page on Facebook to find out when and where he’ll be. You can become one of Santa’s helpers for real.

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