3 Surprising Places to Pray

How to pray at the sink, in the elevator and in the shower.

Praying in the shower

I was giving a talk on prayer the other day, telling the group how I’ve used my subway commute to work as a time for prayer. We were talking about the challenges of finding a good time and place to pray in the midst of a busy life. At once, three people told about places they regularly pray:

1)  At the Sink
Doesn’t it make sense? When you stand at a sink and hear the sound of running water, it’s a perfect call to worship. Lather up your hands with soap and make it a sacred moment (no one else needs to know). Wash your hands free of resentment, anger, remorse. Clean your spirit. Shake off the excess water, like shaking off the last remnants of an unkind heart. Dry your hands, ready to see and engage in the best in others and yourself.

extraordinary women of the bible

2)  In an Elevator
A man in the group told us how he uses his elevator ride up to his office as a way to prepare for the day. He asks God to be used as best he is able, to be helpful, to be a positive influence in the office, to not get bogged down in any pettiness, to be creative and open to change, to be a force for good. Sure beats just staring at your feet in an elevator—or checking your cell phone. Why not say a prayer for the start of the work day?

3)  In a Shower
One woman spoke about using the timeless words of Saint Patrick’s prayer (also known as Saint Patrick’s Breastplate) when she was taking a shower: “Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me…” She would picture Christ in all those different locations as she showered, feeling Christ’s presence. Now that’s a prayerful way to start a morning.

Do you have an unusual place where you like to pray? Tell us about it. 

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