Today's daily devotion

Still My Troubled Heart

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”—JOHN 14:27 NIV

We can call upon the Lord to give us peace: a peace that passes all understanding despite our circumstances. It’s the same peace that calmed Peter on the open sea, Paul and Silas in prison, and Stephen as he faced martyrdom—the undeniable, indescribable calm from the Holy Spirit.

The peace that God extends to us can be accepted or ignored. In the frustrations of everyday life, it’s entirely possible to turn our backs on this incredible gift—bringing on ourselves worry, stress, and loss of sleep. But accepting Jesus’ gift of peace quiets our inner spirit and helps us to calm down.

When frets and worries assail, take a few moments to read the Bible. Turn to the psalms, read some out loud, and copy a line or two to stick in your pocket or on the bathroom mirror. Find words of praise penned by a man on the run, King David. He knew to pursue the heavenly Father for peace. We should do the same.

Father, please still my troubled heart. I need an extra measure of peace this day. Thank You.

Adapted from

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