Today's daily devotion

The Strength of Friends

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.—ECCLESIASTES 4:12 NIV

“I can do it myself!” Is this a quote from a stubborn two-year-old or a determined caregiver?

Caregiving doesn’t have to be a one-man show. Seeking help from others is not a sign of weakness. Friends and family can provide the emotional support we need to get through the stress of tough times.

Though others often want to help, they don’t know specifically what we need. Why not accept a pleasant visit? Or allow a friend to answer mail or provide a respite so you can enjoy a little time away? Maybe someone wants to bring a dinner or provide transportation to the doctor. Letting others help gives them an opportunity for service—and offers us a chance to break free from the tiring caregiving routine.

God gives us friends so we can bear each other’s burdens. We are created to connect with others, especially in difficult times—and that cord of three strands (you, your friend, and God) is not quickly broken. That cord of friendship provides support and strength for the demanding responsibilities of caregiving.  

Thank You, Lord, for providing friends to support me at this time. Give me courage to ask for what I need and the grace to accept their offers.

Adapted from

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