Today's daily devotion

What We See Is Not What We Get

God…gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.—ROMANS 4:17 NKJV

Disaster after disaster overwhelms us: Our loved one’s health deteriorates. Medical bills pile up. Insurance balks at paying. Our spirits plummet.

Then the car won’t start.

The circumstances of life seem to crash in on us like enormous waves over a small fishing boat. We feel like Jesus’ doused disciples on the stormy Sea of Galilee—deserted by a sleeping Lord.

We desperately scamper to solve our own problems. We try to keep our heads above water on the tumultuous sea of life. We pray like the frantic disciples prayed: “Lord, don’t you care that we are perishing?”

Or we say, like Martha did after her brother, Lazarus, died, “Lord, if you were here, things wouldn’t be like this.”

God understands our perspective. Sure, the circumstances look bad. But He’s the God who asks us to exercise faith. With faith, what we see is not what we get. With faith we get God—His company and every spiritual blessing.

Stop looking at circumstances. Start looking at God. He is in control. Have faith!

Lord, please grow faith in my heart so that I will know with certainty that You are in charge—that You are arranging my circumstances for my good and Your glory. Let me be fully convinced—like Abraham was—that You are able and willing to keep Your promises to me.

Adapted from

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