Today's daily devotion

In His Image

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.—GENESIS 1:27 NIV

Just like Adam and Eve, people today are created in God’s image. Though we aren’t pulled directly from the soil, we have the inheritance of this first couple. Not only did we become heirs to the desire to sin, we also received elements of our Lord’s good creation.

Most days, we don’t consider what that means. But caregivers who support failing human lives can tell you how important this truth is. For even invalids ravaged by disease, perhaps unable to speak or walk, retain a spark of the divine gift of life. When life is at low ebb, invalids are as real as ever—because they were made in His image. They retain their own identities and qualities. Until death, a strong element of each person remains and should be cherished.

Scripture tells us that no one stays forever on Earth. We all die. But while God keeps us earthbound, we need to value life as His gift and trust in the purpose for it. Not only do we support humans who are hurting, we care for God’s creation until He calls each person into eternity.

O Lord, help me value the image of Yourself that You’ve given to man. Please help me to support my loved one to the very end.

Adapted from

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