Today's daily devotion

Everything You Need

You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.—PHILIPPIANS 4:19 MSG

Have you ever gone through a period in your life when you were completely dependent on God to supply everything for you? Perhaps you lost your job or had an extended illness. It can be extremely humbling to be unable to provide for yourself and your family.

The Israelites faced similar circumstances when God freed them from slavery in Egypt. As He led them through the desert toward the Promised Land, He provided water and food in miraculous ways. Every morning, one day’s supply of manna would appear. Any attempt to save it until the next day was futile; the manna would rot. God wanted them to rely on Him daily for their provision. Yet the Israelites’ response wasn’t to be grateful but to complain they didn’t have enough variety!

God often takes us through the desert before we get to the Promised Land. It’s in the desert that we learn the lessons we will need to use in the Promised Land, most of which involve trusting Him. It’s in the desert that we learn God is who He says He is. It’s in the desert that we learn to obey Him, not because He says to, but because it’s what will ultimately give us the life we were designed to live.

Lord, we don’t always live our lives as if all of our provision comes from You. Remove our fear and help us to trust in You and take You at Your word. Amen.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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