Today's daily devotion

No Need to Go It Alone

You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.—PSALM 71:21 (NKJV)

Mother was settled in her new apartment, but it was still going to be tough to keep her living independently. She’d given up driving, which meant that getting groceries, running errands, etc. were going to be a challenge. I was working fulltime, as was my husband. My sons were both away at college. I couldn’t do it alone. I wasn’t sure where to turn.

I discussed my dilemma with a good friend who’d walked the same road. “Sharon, have you called the Area Agency on Aging yet? They have lots of services you may not be aware of.”

The Agency on Aging was a godsend. They signed Mom up for Meals on Wheels. Arrangements were made for a public health nurse to regularly set up her medications and check her vital signs. Best of all, the caseworker promised to plead Mom’s case to the Medicaid Waiver program. The waiver program was designed to keep frail elderly people independent—and out of nursing homes—by providing home helpers. The helpers would assist with housework, cooking and errands and provide companionship in the meantime. There was usually a two-year waiting list, but the caseworker promised to do her best to get Mom’s name moved up on the list.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It takes others to help out sometimes. God doesn’t mean for us to go it alone.

Father God, thank you for giving me the strength and humility to ask for help with caregiving when I need it.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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