Today's daily devotion

Ringing the Bell

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.—HEBREWS 13:16 (NIV)

A year plus of chemo, radiation, surgery and multiple scans was about to come to an end. Our daughter Danielle’s final chemo infusion was happening, and I couldn’t be with her. National health concerns kept me from traveling.

I woke the morning of her infusion and prayed: God, surround Danielle with people who will celebrate with her. Please don’t let her feel like she’s facing this last treatment alone. I tried busying myself but ticked off the time in my head when I thought she arrived at the hospital and when she left. When I could wait no longer, I texted. “Well?”

“I’m done,” she wrote back.

Soon I received a video text from Danielle of her standing in front of a group of health care providers. I could only vaguely make out what she was saying through her mask, but I understood what was happening when she picked up a bell and rang it. Everyone clapped and gave her air hugs. These wonderful people were there to celebrate our daughter during a time when everyone was advised to stay home.

Health care providers are my caregiver heroes. I wish I could ring a bell to celebrate the sacrifices these individuals make, but for now I salute them.

Father, thank you for the role health care providers play in the lives of those we love.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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