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How to Pray When You’re Angry

Take your anger to God with these 5 prayers for anger.

It is human to be angry. God gave us this emotion for a reason. Don’t bottle it up inside; take your anger to God with these 5 prayers for anger. –Chaplain Brian A. Shields

prayers for anger

1 of 5 Prayer When Angry With a Loved One

God, I am so angry right now. I am disappointed with my ____________(spouse, child(-ren), boss, friend, pastor, etc.). Help me to not ignore this feeling. And, help me to name my anger in the context of this relationship, not suppressing it or pretending it’s not there. In Your holy name, Amen.

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a man in a short-sleeved shirt with tattoos is sitting on a pew, bent over in prayer

2 of 5 Prayer When Disappointed With a Family Member

O God of creation, I have been disappointed once again. My family member has betrayed my trust. I don’t think I can trust again. Help me speak to her/him soon and express that what happened angered me. I don’t like having conversations like this, so I need Your help. In God’s name, Amen. 

a father and a young daughter hold hands in the rain under an umbrella, standing over a grave

3 of 5 Prayer When Grieving and Angry

Oh God, You know me. I am angry that ______ (name) has died. I know death comes unexpectedly or when anticipated, and I am angry right now because I long for this person. I have a hole in my heart. Hold me as I feel this. In Your comforting name, Amen.

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a man sits outside near trees with his elbows on his knees and his hands folded in prayer

4 of 5 Prayer When Hope Is Dashed

God of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am angry that what I had hoped for did not happen. I was so sure that You blessed this. I am lost right now. Teach me what to do. Hold me even as I am angry. Guide me to eventually pick up the pieces of what’s been broken. In Your name, Amen.

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a woman sits in shadows at a table and her hands are folded in prayer over an open laptop

5 of 5 Prayer When an Employment Opportunity Evaporates

Dear God, I don’t think it’s fair that I did not get the job. I had prepared myself, had great interviews and got good feedback from the interviewers. Now, I’ve been told that someone else got the position! I am angry right now; it feels like I have to start all over. Show me how I can express this anger and not bottle it up inside. In Your name, Amen.


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