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Faith Can Help You Embrace Change

Prayerful tips to help you through life’s changes with God’s help.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Change– to some people, it’s a bad word. For others, it’s a wall full of hope. Regardless of where we’re at, the reality is that change can sometimes be stressful. When change comes upon us, some of us, we mope. We get gloomy, dejected. We get sad. We get uncomfortable. We’re out of our zone. 

Others, they cope with the change. They get engaged, they’re accepted. They become fluid around the changes that are happening. But some of us also become hopeful. Why? Because we understand through faith and through the Bible and through our relationship with Jesus Christ that change means new things for us, that change means transformation, that it means new possibility, new opportunities. 

We just got to change the way we look at change. Now, that’s kind of oxymoron. But we have to look at it differently. Let’s look at change through a lens of hope, through the words of faith, through scripture and see what God has for us is always good, not always comfortable or convenient, but always good, because God is a God of love, of grace and justice. 

So the next time you’re around and dealing with change, embrace it, don’t resist it. Embrace it through your faith in God. It’s going to be OK. You look back and say, you know what? That wasn’t too bad. Change is all right. 


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