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Gus Kenworthy on Giving One’s Best

Gus Kenworthy, silver medalist in slopestyle skiing, shares words that have inspired him.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, I’m Gus Kenworthy. I’m 22 years old, and I’m a free skier competing in slopestyle and halfpipe from Telluride, Colorado. 

When I was younger, getting into skiing, my older brothers were a huge inspiration to me. I just used to follow them around the mountain and try and one up them in any way I could. Try and just be better than them. And then as I grew up and stuck with it a little more, some of the pro skiers, TJ Schiller, guys like that, were a big inspiration. 

One quote that I try and live by is by Steve Prefontaine, and it just says to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. 


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