Remember the One Who Gives You the Power to Be Successful

Reverend Pablo Diaz on the importance of remembering that the Lord is the source of your  power and blessings.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi. My name is Pablo Diaz. Do you want to be successful in life? Most of us do. 

We work hard. We go to school. We develop a skill set. We make investments. We purchase property. We want to be successful in life. 

The Bible teaches us about men and women who were successful, Jacob, Moses, Esther, Paul, Peter, Mary. And yet the Bible also reminds us in Deuteronomy chapter eight that we must remember he, the Lord, who has given us power to be successful. You see, sometimes after we reach our success, we have plenty, we kind of forget where the power comes from and who gives us the gifts to be successful. 

So remember, celebrate your success but don’t forget the one who gives you the power to be successful. God wants to continue to be your partner in life so that many blessings and successes will be in front of you. Remember the one who gives you power to be successful. God bless you. 


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