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Pray the Psalms: Psalm 53

Guideposts Executive Editor Rick Hamlin shares how to pray Psalm 53. 

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, it’s Rick Hamlin. This is Psalm 53. 

“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” Well, who is this fool? Well, sometimes it’s me. Sometimes it’s me when I’m going through periods of doubt. Actually, when I read this psalm, I was thinking, oh, this is really not about present day. It’s about the Israelites and being captive and having to get free. Captivity is something that existed long ago. 

Then I remembered a friend who’s going through a terrible problem of struggle with his alcoholism, praying so that he won’t drink. And I thought, oh, there are captivities is in this world, just like there were thousands of years ago. We can be fools when we say there is no God. 

So I pray for those who are captive. I pray for them to be let free. And I pray for all of us fools who forget there is a god. Psalm 53. 


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