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Emi Kiyosaki: The Importance of Self-Esteem

Author Emi Kiyosaki talks about the mental attitude of just getting by versus living with ease.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

[MUSIC PLAYING] Well, I think that there is a particular way or way people hold their sense of self-esteem and also their self-worth with regarding money. And for myself, I thought it was fine as a nun to live below my means. But, you know, I don’t get a paycheck from the Dalai Lama, and I really needed to look at how I could support myself, particularly when situations like health needs came up. But there is the definite condition of looking at how you’re going to provide for yourself and the mental attitude of just getting by versus having some ease in one’s life. 

A simple life for myself became very simple when I became a nun because I didn’t have to worry about my clothing, my makeup, my hair, my lifestyle. Everything became very streamlined, and then my life was simple also in the way of prayer, and service to the community, and working with my nunnery, teaching English. I had a very simple focus, and I felt like I was doing everything that I could in a way that was focused and beneficial to others. 

So in that way, you could say it was a simple good life. But on the other hand, no. Financially, I was really cutting myself short, and that showed up hugely when I came down with cancer and heart disease. 


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