A Message of Hope from Isabella Yosuico: Managing Anxiety

The Mornings with Jesus contributor shares some techniques she’s found helpful in times of uncertainty and worry.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories


Hi, everybody, it’s Isabella again. Many of you know that I have a little boy named Isaac who has Down Syndrome and who is totally the joy of my life.

But many of you also know that when I first found out that he might have Down Syndrome and the diagnosis was subsequently confirmed, that I was completely distraught. I was overwhelmed, confused, anticipating the worst, it was just all bad. And I leaned into the Lord like never before and that changed everything.

But the other thing that helped, when I was on the thick of the anxiety, was focusing on the little mundane tasks of everyday living and just giving myself over to them. Changing a diaper, making dinner, helping my other son with homework, doing my freelance work, and just getting fully present to what I was doing, even sometimes saying, “I’m changing a diaper,” “I’m helping Pierce” or whatever– aside from, of course, marinating in Scripture and in prayer.

And the other thing that was very helpful is I would set a timer and allow myself 10 minutes to completely give myself over to whatever the obsessive thought was, but then when the timer went off, I had to stop. And I know it sounds crazy, but it really worked.

So, anyway, I know some of you are struggling with anxiety right now, and if you are, maybe one of these tools will help you. And God bless you, and stay well. Bye.

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