A 10-Word Prayer to Help in Times of Stress

Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler shares a brief prayer that helps in time of stress when you may feel you’re losing control.

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A 10-Word Prayer When You’re Out of Options
by Bob Hostetler: A Guideposts Blog

There is a short prayer that helps in times of stress and when you’re grasping for control. It’s a simple prayer, just 10 words. And as you pray these words, your stress level will decrease and your reasoning abilities will return.

The prayer is:

“I love You.”
“I trust You.”
“I wait on You.”

This prayer focuses on God and His nearness and trustworthiness. It helps your heart and mind leave the outcome in God’s hands and wait for Him to act with more wisdom than you could ever hope to summon.

Next time you’re panicked, fearful or stressed, Pray “I love You. I trust You. I wait on You.”

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