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A Departed Earth Angel Sends a Christmas Miracle

A grieving woman receives a gift  from her recently deceased  friend.

A Christmas cactus bloom is a welcome gift from beyond for a grieving woman.

On the day after Christmas, I lost my best friend to cancer. As I lay in bed I couldn’t help but think of the void that Neica would leave in my life. I’d only known her for 15 years, but she was like a sister to me. We both loved flowers and endlessly discussed our houseplants.

“My Christmas cactus is blooming again, and right on time,” Neica had reported just after Thanksgiving. “It’s so pretty.”

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“I can’t understand it!” I said. “I’ve had my Christmas cactus for ages and it’s never once bloomed. Not at Thanksgiving. Not even at Christmas.”

“Your Christmas cactus will bloom someday,” Neica said.

About six weeks after Neica passed, I was walking by my cactus when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A single pink blossom. I wondered why on earth that plant finally decided to bloom. I certainly wasn’t expecting it….

Of course if anyone could care for houseplants from heaven, my dear friend Neica could.

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