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A Grandma’s Loving Light

Her prayers to see her grandson were answered, even after death.

Till We Meet Again

Mother wasn’t well enough to handle a trip to California from her home in Austria. So my husband and I brought her new granddaughter to see her. “We’re hoping to give her a brother some day,” I told Mother as she rocked our daughter in her arms.

“I’ll start praying for a boy at once!” Mother said. “After I pass, I’ll ask the Lord to let me fly over your house and take a look at him.”

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

“We’ll be back to visit soon,” I said. Two years later, our new baby was a boy, just like Mother prayed for. But she didn’t live to meet him.

One night, I woke up for his midnight feeding. I saw something move by the crib. It was a bright light seemingly watching over my newborn son. As I sat up, the light faded away.

Looks like both of Mother’s prayers were answered.

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