An Angel Says Goodbye

Although today is my last day behind a desk at Angels on Earth, the blessings I’ve reaped here will stay with me.

Angels on Earth editorial assistant Kelly P. Gallagher

Today’s guest-blogger is Angels on Earth editorial assistant Kelly P. Gallagher.

An old friend once told me that people are only truly happy when they are growing. That can mean both spiritual and intellectual growth. During my time at Angels on Earth (nearly two years!) I can proudly say I’ve done my share of growing.

helpfinder Bible

Maybe some of you remember my premiere blog post. On my very first day on the job, I caught the wrong train home and found myself headed in the wrong direction. Thankfully, a brown-eyed earth angel helped me find my way. I will always be grateful to her, and I’m proud to say that in the time since, I’ve become an expert at the New York regional transit system. I could now be an earth angel for someone else who’s lost her way!

Gaining practical knowledge is one thing, but spirituality is a more important matter. I have my fellow Angels staff members—and you all, of course!—to thank for the tremendous spiritual growth I’ve experienced since starting here. Images of angel sightings have delighted me. Real life angel stories have touched me. More than ever, I’m aware of the miracles around me. Around all of us.

Although today is my last day behind a desk at Angels on Earth, my experiences here transcend a cubicle, a building, a city. The blessings I’ve reaped here go beyond that. I’m honored beyond measure to have had been part of such a beautiful congregation of minds and souls. But now I look to the future, with my guardian angel by my side.

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