An Angelic Letter from the Mail Bag

Letters and emails from people like you make me feel like I’m walking on sunshine…

This is why I work at Guideposts and Angels on Earth: Letters and emails from people like you make me feel like I’m walking on sunshine (even on this overcast 28-degree day). Here’s what came in the mail bag this morning:

Dear Colleen Hughes:

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I am sending this letter because in the January/February issue of Angels on Earth you told us that your eight-year-old daughter Evangeline’s birthday is on December 24th. When I read this I had to send this letter to let you know that this is also my birthday. I came into this world on December 24, 1929.

My mother always told me that I was something special because the stork brought my brothers and sister, but Santa brought me. He dropped me down the chimney. When I came out I was full of soot, so she thought this could not be her baby. She was going to send me back to Santa but thought she should give me a bath first. When she did and I came out clean she said she would keep me.

I believed this story for many years. Now you can tell Evangeline that she also came from Santa. I hope that you had a few laughs reading this.

Yours with God,
Thomas C. Jacobsen

My dear Mr. Jacobsen, I laughed and laughed and had to share your letter here. I will also read it at the dinner table tonight, where we will light a belated birthday candle for you! Evangeline will blow it out, sending all good wishes your way. I am sure glad your mother decided to keep you because you are definitely “something special.” Today you are my earth angel.

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