Angel and Christmas Stories

What stories—and what images—will appear in the Christmas issues of Angels on Earth and Guideposts’ The Joys of Christmas 2011? Maybe yours!

This week finds me humming carols, continuing along in the Christmas spirit, looking for the best stories to feature in our holiday issue of Angels on Earth magazine, as well as in Guideposts’ third annual full-size holiday publication, The Joys of Christmas 2011.

This year we’ll celebrate the joys of children, traditions, miracles and cooking—but of course there’s lots more celebrating going on and I don’t want to give too much away, especially while the story lineup is still in the works.

extraordinary women of the bible

We’re always in search of the Christmas story to end all Christmas stories, or the angel story to end all angel stories, and we strive to squeeze into our pages as many wonderful stories of all kinds as is possible. Don’t think it’s too late to send yours in. It’s not!

But we’re now also thinking about how we’ll present the publications visually. Who will we photograph? What photographer will we send to which families? Which parts of the country will we show, with their glorious winter wonderlands? And—my favorite of all—how will we illustrate stories to bring out their Christmas magic visually? We hire award-winning artists from all over the world to create the sense of wonder every child feels on Christmas morning.

In fact, last night I had a hard time getting to sleep; it was a little like the excitement I still feel on Christmas Eve.

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