Angels and Earthquakes

Who knows how many angels I might have missed because I wasn’t paying attention?

This week’s contribution was written by Angels on Earth staff editor Meg Belviso.

“What was that?”

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Earlier this week, it seemed like everyone was asking that question. Everyone but me. I barely noticed the tremors that shook Manhattan as a result of an earthquake down in Virginia.

I heard a tapping, like someone knocking on my window, and wondered if someone was doing construction outside. It turned out it was the blinds banging against the window frame. “Must be the wind,” I thought. Then I remembered that the window was closed. “Must be a ghost,” I thought, and went back to work.

Imagine my surprise when my Twitter feed informed me something momentous (for these parts) had happened! I was a little disappointed. Not in the earthquake—I was glad it was mild and nobody got hurt. But in myself for barely noticing when something out of the ordinary had happened all around me. Who knows how many angels I might have missed because I wasn’t paying attention?

So from now on I’m going to try to be on the alert for the unexpected, no matter how subtle the signs may be. Who knows? Maybe I’ll see my first angel.

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