Angels in Every Season

When you’re packing for the beach or preparing a backyard barbeque, remember that Christmas angels are on the job all year round. 

Angels on Earth Staff Editor Meg Belviso

Today’s guest blogger is Angels on Earth Staff Editor Meg Belviso.

Summer is finally on its way. This week we got our first truly hot (a little too hot for me) days in New York. So naturally my thoughts turn to… Christmas.

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It’s that time of year when the Guideposts staff gets to work on our special Christmas publication. It’s a confusing time. I feel like I should be snuggled up in a heavy sweater in front of a fire, yet the minute I step outside I feel like I’m in a furnace. My head’s full of recipes for ginger cookies and fruitcake just when popsicles would be most refreshing.

Thinking about December in the summertime has its advantages. Angels seem to be everywhere at Christmas. It’s natural to think about them when you’re looking at a tree trimmed with fairy lights or singing Christmas carols. But angels don’t stop working when the holiday season is over. They’re just as present at the beach as in a manger, just as likely to celebrate the Fourth of July as Happy New Year.

So when you’re packing for the beach or preparing a backyard barbeque remember those Christmas angels are still on the job all the year round. What a blessing!

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