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Be an Angel to Another in Need

Running out of gas taught me a lesson about being an earth angel.

person clutching gas can.

By love serve one another. —GALATIANS 5:I3 (KJV)

I ran out of gas. As I coasted to the shoulder of the expressway, I noticed that all the service stations were on the other side. Rather than cross six lanes, I decided to go under the highway bridge over a railway cut, discovered a well-worn path and soon came out close to a station.

As I struggled with the gasoline, a young man named Jim offered to drive me back to my car. I accepted gratefully. “So you came through there?” he said, pointing toward the hole in the fence.

“Yes,” I replied. “I was surprised to find a path under the bridge. Who would be walking around under there?”

“Homeless people,” he said quietly. “They have no place else to go. Sometimes they sleep under the bridge.”

“Do you mean there are homeless people here in our community?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” he said, misunderstanding my look. “They wouldn’t harm anyone. Sometimes I give them food or money. They’re just down on their luck.”

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We arrived at my car, and Jim poured the gas in the tank for me. I watched Jim waving as I drove away. I could see God’s love shining from his face, and I wanted to help someone as I had been helped. That afternoon I found the local shelter, made a donation and made it my business to find out what I could do to help others in my community. If there are other needs in my own backyard I haven’t noticed, I don’t want to run out of gas to find them.

Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth


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