Busy Christmas Angels

I will miss dancing the night away with all the earth angels I work with at our annual Christmas party…


There’s way too much to do this time of year!

We just got our tree last night, so at least the house smells of Christmas even if our decorations aren’t up and the stockings aren’t hung. The seven-foot pine is standing straight (pretty much) in its stand, awaiting lights and ornaments and the Christmas angel that will top it all off—if I can find her in the attic. But by the time homework and the dinner dishes were done last night, it was late and we all needed to get ready for bed.

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Alas, our tree will remain bare again tonight. While my colleagues will be dancing and dining at the Guideposts Christmas party in New York, I’ll be enjoying the winter concert at our local elementary school, where a certain fifth-grader I know and love will have a solo on flute. My daughter Evie turns 10 this year, on Christmas Eve, and I couldn’t very well miss her performance.

But I will miss dancing tonight with all the earth angels I work with, and celebrating this joyful (if busy) time of year with them. We are a close group, many of us longtime friends who have danced through Guideposts Christmas parties until our sides ached. Who has much time for eating when our own Nancy Galya hires such a great DJ year after year?

Yes, there’s way too much to do during the Christmas season. And all of it proves just how much I have to be joyful about. Now tomorrow night—for sure—we decorate that tree!

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