Christmas Poems

I sat back and read poems about snow angels and Christmas tree angels, earth angels and heavenly angels…


I’ve spent a lot of time recently reading Christmas poems. I’m sure lots of you already have your Joys of Christmas special edition for 2012, which features two lovely poetry pages.

I reread those poems again this morning and thought, What better time to look for next year’s Christmas poems? I was certainly in the Christmas spirit. Now I had an excuse to sit back in my desk chair and read poems about snow angels and Christmas tree angels, earth angels and heavenly angels, archangels and cherubs.

extraordinary women of the bible

And of course all the while I was thinking of everyday angels like you. So take a minute to enjoy a favorite I came across—the words are as pretty as the graphics. Have a blessed and merry Christmas, from all of us here at Angels on Earth:

Wishing you happiness and Christmas cheer
Not just today, but for all of the year
May you hang your lovely mistletoe
In hopes of a hug and kiss to know

May you always have a sheltering roof
Above your humble head
And always a warm and cozy place
To lay your sleepy head

May you always have a full plate
Upon your little table
Always there to share with others
When ever you are able

But most of all I hope your Star
Shines so beautifully bright
To always remind your praising heart
Of the glory, of Christmas night

“Warmest Holiday Wishes”
Are being sent your way
Plus a little prayer for you
Each and every day

(By Brenda Conley, © 2002)

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