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Heavenly Tunes, Courtesy of the Angels

A woman’s faith is restored when she finds her missing iPod with an assist from above.

An artist's rendering of an iPod

On my way out the door the other morning I reached into my purse and came up empty-handed. “I just had it,” I said, digging around in my bag for my iPod. If there’s one piece of modern technology I can’t live without, it’s my iPod. Every day I found new songs to load on it. They made my long train commute enjoyable.

“Oh brother,” my daughter said. “It’s a level ten meltdown alert. Mom can’t find her iPod.”

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I nudged her with my elbow. “Very funny.” Everyone in my family knew how much I loved that gadget. “Did you borrow it?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t dare!” she said. We searched the house until I had to go or miss my train.

At work I took out all the contents of my purse. I searched every pocket, every fold. I even turned the whole bag upside down over my desk and—nothing. With two kids in college I hated to spend the money on a new iPod. But I hated to face commuting without it even more.

That evening I got in the elevator with a coworker and made chitchat to get my mind off my long ride home. “One of my kids is sick,” he said. “With all these deadlines coming up at the office I sure hope I don’t catch it.”

I was glad to help a friend in need. My spirit lifted a bit when I reached in my purse for the trusty packets of Emergen-C I always keep on hand. But what was that I felt? My iPod!

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I would have kissed it—if my coworker weren’t standing beside me watching! I handed over the packet of vitamin C. Modern technology’s great, but sometimes you need the old-fashioned kind of help: friends and angels.

Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth

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