Helping Out a Fellow Train Passenger

This student was balancing her books while trying to study on a moving train…I knew I needed to help.

Colleen Hughes

This morning’s commuter train was packed to begin with, but when we stopped to pick up passengers who’d had to get off a broken down train, we were stuffed in there like sardines. I was glad I had a seat instead of having to stand in the aisle with my high heel shoes.

A couple of thoughtful businessmen gave up their seats for older riders. Then I noticed a young college student, I guessed, struggling with her overstuffed backpack in the aisle. She pulled out a book and a highlighter and tried to balance on one leg while she worked on the other raised knee. She must have some test, I figured, going through such contortions to study under these circumstances. I remembered those days. Every minute counted before a big test. I got a stomach ache just thinking about it.

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“Excuse me,” I said to her. “You’ll get a lot more done sitting down.” My high heels never felt so comfortable.

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