Her Spirit Was In the Pink

A colorful presence was comforting for a daughter missing her mother, far away.

Angels with pink auras

Rose was getting ready for bed one evening, and had just turned off all the bedroom lamps and said her prayers. 

As she finished, she saw a radiant light, just ahead of her, a pinkish-gold color. Was she dreaming? Rose thought of her mother, who was very ill, and decided to call her to make sure she was alright. 

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“I have a radio alarm clock right next to my bed,” she says. “And when I saw the time, I remember saying to myself that it was too late to call my mother and disturb her. I decided to call her first thing in the morning.”

Rose turned back to where she had seen that beautiful light, and when she saw that it was still there, she was flooded with a feeling of calm and peace. The light was so comforting, Rose let herself relax. Life had been difficult lately, especially the constant worry over her mother’s health. But now she felt herself dozing off, while the warm bright light continued to watch over her.

The next morning Rose was awakened by a phone call from her sister. “Mom was taken to the hospital by ambulance last night,” Rose’s sister said. “You’d better come.”

Because Rose lived a few hours away, she did not make it to the hospital to say good-bye to her mother. “But it comforts me to know that this radiant light that visited me could have been my mom or my angel assuring me that everything would be alright,” Rose says. “I learned that pink-gold radiant light or auras represent love. I know it definitely was something very beautiful.”

Rose has not seen the light again, but she is at peace. “I know my mother, and my angels, are always with me.”

Read more real life stories of angels. Download your FREE ebook, Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth

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