Angel Stories

Angels dwell in so many places. Of course there are angels in the Bible, working miracles and representing God’s grace to the world. Heaven is another dwelling place for angels, a place where they shine their blessings down upon us with love.

Earth angels: Mother and son do the Great Kindness Challenge

The Angel Checklist

When I found the Great Kindness Challenge list, I knew my son would love participating. We became two earth angels on a quest to help others.

Guideposts Softball Team

Earth Angel Softball

Be an Angel Day inspired me to sign up for Team Hope and raise money for cancer while having fun. What could be better than that?

Earth angel helps tourists in Times Square

Lost, But Now We’re Found

No place is as crowded with tourists in New York City as Times Square. Maybe there’s someone in need of help right now, I thought. Someone who needs an earth angel.

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