Pictures of Angels With Wings

Imagining pictures of angels with wings might be my favorite part of putting together Angels on Earth magazine.

Today finds me getting ready for our next art-concept meeting, where editors and art people sit around the conference room table imagining pictures of angels with wings.

It might be my favorite part of putting together Angels on Earth magazine.

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Of course I love choosing what stories will run when, and making sure each and every issue is full of the kind of variety you’ve come to expect from this angel magazine. After all, if a dozen of you told me your angel story right now, I know I’d be listening to a dozen different kinds of stories. Some of those stories wouldn’t even involve a traditional angel with wings. Your angel story might be about the companionship of a beloved pet, or the comforting scent of a favorite flower, or perhaps the haunting strain of a familiar song. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the kinds of angels people have encountered, and how they describe their experiences.

But I believe there is one constant in all this variety. When it comes to illustrating these experiences, “beautiful” is the only word that will do. Is there any other way to imagine pictures of angels with wings? Or the pets who’ve been angels in your life? Or the flowers and songs and kindnesses of other people that have served as your inspiration? The angelic presences in our lives are beautiful by nature, and we try to represent them as such, especially on our covers. Look with me at the covers from past issues of Angels on Earth, and let these beautiful pictures of angels with wings float in your mind all day.

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