The Blessings in a Sneezing Fit

Guideposts blogger Colleen Hughes couldn’t stop sneezing, but she was getting lots of blessings!

Blessings from earth angels for a sneezing fit.

On my third round of sneezes, my coworker Jim said (again), “Bless you.” He knew it was getting embarrassing after a full morning of sneezing. I was disturbing everyone around me, working as we do in cubicles without much privacy. “Cold or allergies?” he asked.

I didn’t know but couldn’t answer him right away because I felt another sneezing fit coming on. This was ridiculous. In our old offices, I could have just shut my door and hid from the rest of the staff until it was time to go home. Here, I was completely exposed, my a-choo! a-choo! a-choo! ringing out across the cubicles in annoying triplicate. How could anyone concentrate?

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

“Bless you, bless you, bless you,” Jim offered. “I think you’re being visited by a sneezing angel.” That was a nice thought. Maybe people weren’t as annoyed as I’d assumed. I reached for another tissue. “Ah, yes,” Jim said, “comfort from a Kleenex angel…”

And from coworkers who really do bless me with their kindness. To think I could be shut up in my old office, without any blessings at all.

Read Our ‘Best Angel Stories 2016’

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