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Use the Voice God Gave You

When I couldn’t get the baby to calm down, Grandma was like my heavenly angel, reminding me to use the voice God gave me.

Mother and Child

Babysitting was not my specialty.

I awkwardly carried my newborn cousin, Chloe, pacing and bobbing.

I can’t look after a baby! I thought. She seemed to want no part of me. I tried sitting on the couch, cradling Chloe in my arms. It wasn’t so long ago that I’d been a baby, curled up peacefully in my grandma’s arms. Right on this very same couch.

One of my earliest memories was of her singing “Alleluia” softly in my ear. That tune had a magic that helped me drift off to sleep. Could it help me now with Chloe? I wondered.

But I was too self-conscious for singing. In church, Grandma once caught me just moving my lips. “Remember, Lauren,” she said, “God gave you a voice so you could use it.”

I looked down at Chloe squirming in my arms. I started to sing Grandma’s special song. The melody worked its magic. Chloe stopped fussing. She relaxed and was soon asleep.

Grandma was right. God gave me a voice so I could use it. And he’d given me a grandma I’d never forget.

Download your free ebook Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Heavenly Angels and Everyday Angels on Earth. 

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