God’s Love and God’s Plan

Robin was nearing death and wanted to talk about love before he went on to heaven.

Life after Death blogger Trudy Harris

Robin became my hospice patient many years ago. He was only 34 years old and had a beautiful twin sister who loved him very much. Although he was much too young to die, Robin accepted his fate with great dignity and grace because of his deeply committed Catholic faith. His dad had died a short time earlier and his mother was grieving on many levels but the care, love and support she gave him was second-to-none.

The house was a flurry of family and friends at all times, good food shared, prayers said and votive candles lit for any and every intention that was needed around the clock. Robin lived every day to the fullest until there were no more tomorrows left to him, and he did it with great vigor.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

We spoke often about life, God’s plans for us, the meaning of suffering and the good that can come from accepting it all. Robin’s sister had married and was raising two wonderful children, while Robin had never met the one true love of his life and he felt he had missed out on something wonderful.

One day we were speaking quietly together. Robin was nearing his dying time and wanted to cover lots of topics before he went on to heaven. This day he was speaking about love: God’s love, a mother’s love, the love of friends and family, his love for the volunteer who helped him. He was so pensive that day and looking for all his questions to be answered as fully as possible.

I was sitting on the footstool next to his bed when he slipped his arm around my shoulder and said to me, “Love must be like this, Trudy, and it must be good.” It was such a holy moment and one I have treasured for many, many years. Where love is, that’s where God abides was never more true than on that day. Robin went on to heaven very soon after and met love face-to-face in God.

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True Stories of Transformation from Near-Death Experiences

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  • Book 1: Heavenly Encounters
  • Book 2: Messages from Heaven
  • Book 3: Transformed by Heaven
  • Book 4: A Love Beyond Words
  • Book 5: A Choir of Angels
  • Book 6: Scenes from Heaven
  • Book 7: A Joy Like No Other
  • Book 8: A Glorious Light
  • Book 9: In The Presence of Love
  • Book 10: Wonders of Heaven

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