5 Disasters Stopped In Their Tracks

What force held back these lava flows, rolling boulders, tornados, shootings and forest fires?

Lava flow stopped just short of grave. U.S. Geological Survey photo via AP.

Destructive forces rage around us, often leaving a trail of devastation behind. But every so often, it seems a greater force holds the damage at bay, if only for a life-saving instant.

I was reminded of this when I saw this stunning photograph making its way around the internet this week, of a lava flow engulfing a cemetery in the town of Pahoa, on Hawaii's Big Island. However, the powerful current of liquid fire suddenly stopped as it reached a gravestone–the Sato family plot.

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The lava that stopped around the Sato family grave in Hawaii.

Aiko Sato, 63, had visited that plot only a week before as continuing eruptions threatened to overtake the area. She figured it would be her last chance to pay her respects. But despite the intense heat, the flowers she left behind hadn’t turned completely to ash. The flow left the grave untouched.

“I feel like it’s a miracle,” Sato told the Associated Press. “I know subsequent breakouts could cover the grave, but at least I know it survived the first round.”

The photo was taken by a scientist from the Hawaii Volcano Observatory, and it has been a tremendous source of comfort for the family.

The story made me think of a few other “forces of nature” that were stopped in even more dramatic ways…

Grace Ministries Church vs. The Boulder
In Saugus, Massachusetts, 12 miles north of Boston, a demolition crew blasted a hill to clear space for new construction. They didn’t plan on uprooting a 20-ton boulder … that rolled right towards Grace Ministries Church. See for yourself what happened next:

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And while we’re on the subject of giant boulders, check this out:

The boulder in Italy that stopped just short of a farmhouse.

This week, an avalanche in Ronchi di Termeno, Italy, unleashed two boulders from a mountainside, sending them tumbling through this family farm. One boulder smashed a barn to smithereens, but the other stopped just short of the house–with the family inside. There were no injuries. 

The Farmhouse vs. The Tornado
Iowa farmer Robert Barr found a pretty cool rock in his cornfield–not a boulder (thankfully) but a stone with the shape of a cross emblazoned onto it. He and his wife, Bun, put it at the front door of their farmhouse, as a sign of their faith–faith they needed when a massive tornado bore down on their farm.

Robert and Bun ducked into their storm shelter as terrifying winds roared all around. Afterwards, they were amazed their house had survived the onslaught–and even more amazed when witnesses reported the tornado had turned away from their front door–not once, but twice 

The Writer vs. The Gunman
Our longtime Guideposts contributor and friend Elizabeth Sherrill traveled to New Mexico to speak at a writers’ seminar, only to find the airline had lost her luggage.

She was especially upset she wouldn’t be able to wear her fancy two-and-a-half-inch high heels she’d packed for the occasion. That is, until a crazed gunman began firing his muzzle-loading pistol at random in front of the building. One shot hit the wall right behind Elizabeth’s head… one inch above it, to be exact.

The Officer vs. The Forest Fire
Paul Archambault had seen his share of action in his years as a Los Angeles police officer, but nothing like the fires that descended upon the San Gabriel Canyon in September 2002.

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Driving into the danger zone to rescue an elderly shut-in who had refused to evacuate, he was quickly penned in by smoke, fallen trees and the encroaching flames. There was only one thing that the fire didn’t burn… a memorial cross that stood at a dangerous curve in the road. 

Somehow, the flames stopped short of devouring it. The cross served as a guidepost in the smoke, helping to guide Paul, his partner and the woman to safety.

Now there are some close calls! Got your own story? Tell us how disaster came for you… and turned away not a moment too soon.

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