A New Year’s Revolution

Guideposts blogger Michelle Cox has ditched New Year’s resolutions. But she’s vowed to make a New Year’s revolution. One of a spiritual nature.

For New Year, a spiritual revolution, not resolution.

As the new year begins, I’ve decided I need some revolutions for this fresh New Year. No, that wasn’t a typo. I don’t do resolutions—mostly because I’m so good at breaking them. But in thinking about what I’d like to achieve for God this year, I want some things that will revolutionize my life.

I want to live more like Him and less like me. Jesus never fails and He never changes. He never lets anyone down or hurts those He loves. He’s always faithful, always keeps His word, and He loves us even when we mess up.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

I want to pray more, lifting up the burdens of others, praising Him for who He is and for His many blessings, praying for my country and those I love.

I want to love more like He does. Jesus loves the unlovable and He treats all of us like His favorites. He loves when we don’t deserve it, and loves us enough that He gave His life for us. Whew, can you imagine how homes and churches would change if we loved like that?

I want to learn more from Him, to spend more time in His Word, and to follow in His footsteps wherever He leads.

I want to listen more and talk less, to be still so I can hear what He wants to tell me, and to sit at His feet and worship.

I want to bring my burdens and concerns to Him and leave them there. Not bring them and then keep picking them up again to try to solve myself.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

I want to trust Him more. Even when what He asks of me seems impossible. Even when it takes me out of my comfort zone. Even in situations I can’t understand.

And I want to leave behind a legacy for Him. Oh, how I want my children and grandbabies to someday remember me as a woman who loved God, loved them and loved others. My desire is that the things I leave behind will be things that matter: lives changed, hearts encouraged and the message of salvation shared.

Sweet friends, what kind of spiritual revolutions would you like to make this year?

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)

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