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Mother Knows Best: Mystical Mother-and-Child Experiences

Here are eight incredible Mysterious Ways stories that illustrate the powerful connection mothers share with their children.

Anyone who’s tried to hide something from their mother knows that “mother’s intuition” is no joke. If I’m having a bad day and my mom calls, she can tell as soon as I say “hello.” Immediately, she’ll ask what’s wrong. Every single time. I’ve asked her before how she can tell. I can hear my own voice—I know I don’t sound any different than usual. “It’s just a feeling,” she always says.

But it may be something more.  Research suggests that a mother’s connection to her child goes far beyond the “ordinary” and into the “extraordinary.” Here are eight incredible Mysterious Ways stories that illustrate the powerful connection mothers share with their children.

A mom helping her baby walk

1 of 8 The Power of a Mother’s Intuition

The doctor said it was fine, but Isabella Yosuico couldn’t shake the feelings that something was wrong with her newborn son. Little Pierce had been “frank breech,” needing to be born via emergency C-section. Now, lying in the hospital bassinette, his legs were up by his head instead of lying straight. He was perfectly healthy, the doctor assured Isabella. It was just his breech position that had left his legs like that. They’d go back to normal soon.

But Isabella’s strange feeling wouldn’t go away. “I’d like Pierce to get an x-ray to double check his hips,” she said, insistent. And it’s a good thing she did.

Read Yosuico’s story “The Power of a Mother’s Intuition” here.

Man walking his dogs

2 of 8 A Mother's Prayer for Her Soldier Son

When Gloria Cassity Stargel’s younger son Rick left home for the Marine Corps, she was worried. Not just for his physical safety, but for Rick’s loving, compassionate spirit. Dear Lord, make him tough, if necessary. But, please, Lord, she prayed, keep him tender. It was the kind of request only a mother would make, and the kind of prayer only God could answer.

Read Stargel’s story “A Mother’s Prayer for Her Soldier Son” here.

Illustration of a hand reaching out to a foot in bed

3 of 8 How A Visit from Mom Put Her Back on Track

From the outside looking in, Debbie Tompkins had the perfect marriage. But looks were deceiving. She wanted to leave her husband, Jake, but didn’t know how. It was as if she was stuck in place—frozen. She wished more than anything her mother was still alive. She’d know what to say, what to do, to fix this. One night, Debbie was woken suddenly by a touch to her foot. “What in the…?” she mumbled, still foggy with sleep. She sat up. There was a woman at the foot of the bed. A familiar woman…

Read Tompkins’ story “Mother Knows Best: A Visit from Mom Put Her Back on Track” here.

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A woman looking out a window

4 of 8 A Dream Sent from Mom

When Chris Aldrich had finished chemotherapy for Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma a year earlier, he thought the worst was behind him. A recent biopsy proved otherwise. The little bumps on his collarbone weren’t scar tissue. His cancer was back. And the odds weren’t looking good. But, that night, Chris had a dream, one that put his fears to rest.

Read Aldrich’s story “A Mother’s Amazing Answered Prayer” here.

extraordinary women of the bible

Man using his phone on a plane

5 of 8 You Can't Hide Anything from a Mother

Clean clothes: check. Toothbrush: check. Phone charger: check! It was only after boarding his flight to Texas that Daniel Kessel realized he’d forgotten something: to tell his parents where he was going! Living so far away from home, he’d promised them he’d let them know if he ever traveled out of the state. Now, though, with the plane doors closing, it was too late. Daniel could only hope his parents wouldn’t be too upset… He sent a quick text to his mother, explaining the situation. Her reply was quick. “I thought you may be leaving today,” it said. What? How?

Read Kessel’s story “A Motherly Message” here.

Missionary at a front door

6 of 8 Mother Knew Best

Gilbert Roller’s mother wasn’t impulsive, especially regarding her finances. That’s why he was shocked when he learned she’d donated most of her life savings to two missionaries who had knocked on her door one day. Gilbert didn’t want to upset his mother, but he had to tell her that she’d fallen for a scam. Right?

Read Roller’s story “Mysterious Ways: Mother Knew Best” here.

Heart rate monitor

7 of 8 A Heart-warming Goodbye

Dana Apple’s mother had a bad heart. She had her first heart attack back in 1968, when Dana was only 12 years old. Since then, she’d survived multiple emergency room visits and hospital stays. This time, though, was different. This time, she wasn’t getting better. The doctors told Dana to say her goodbyes. That night at her mother’s bedside, Dana experienced something she can’t explain, even all these years later. A shared moment she’ll never forget.

Read Apple’s story “A Mother’s Heartwarming Goodbye” here.

Woman sitting on a park bench

8 of 8 A Mother's Answered Prayer

Pattie Gillen had given up hope. She missed her son. Sure, she heard from him—every once in a while—but it wasn’t enough. Years of drug and alcohol addiction had taken him from her. Last she’d heard, he was somewhere in Las Vegas, living on the streets. He refused her help. And her prayers. But Pattie still prayed. How could she not? Lord, she prayed, my son is in your hands. Please lead him back to me. For the first time in three years she felt at peace. Whatever happened, her son was in God’s hands. Then, one day, Pattie got a phone call that changed everything.

Read Gillen’s story “A Mother’s Answered Prayer” here.

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  • Book 1: Heavenly Encounters
  • Book 2: Messages from Heaven
  • Book 3: Transformed by Heaven
  • Book 4: A Love Beyond Words
  • Book 5: A Choir of Angels
  • Book 6: Scenes from Heaven
  • Book 7: A Joy Like No Other
  • Book 8: A Glorious Light
  • Book 9: In The Presence of Love
  • Book 10: Wonders of Heaven

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