God’s Grace

God’s grace surrounds us all. Sometimes we see it through everyday miracles that take our breath away. The grace of God can be a shelter from the tumult of the world, a comforting reminder that grace is a free gift given so generously to each of us.

Parent and child on the beach at sunset. Photo: Thinkstock.

For a Better Life, Feed the Soul

Children have an innate capacity for that “oh wow” feeling we get when something extraordinary moves usall parents have to do is not poison it with their own cynicism and let it develop. 

Walking. Photo: Thinkstock.

Walking the Walk

“That’s really how I feel!,” says Julia Heatherly. “I love being me. I don’t let my disability define me. You know, if you take away the ‘dis’ in disability, the only thing left is ‘ability.’”

What Are You Anticipating?

What are you anticipating–a hopeful prognosis of a recent health test, the arrival of a baby, a wayward child returning home, your child’s graduation? We are all hopeful for something. The Lord is the source of hope–may we depend on Him.

Blue eggs in a nest. Photo: Thinkstock.

The Sign in the Wreath

How wonderful to think of a bird building her nest in an Easter wreath, of all places. What a beautiful sign to receive right before the holiday.

Question mark drawn in chalk. Thinkstock.

What to Believe?

I am so thankful that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am so grateful that I won’t wake up tomorrow and discover that grace is no longer available to me or that prayer only works on Tuesdays. 

A cracked windshield. Thinkstock.

The Forgotten Miracle

People forget about miracles all the time. God reaches out to save me time and again. In the moment, I’m amazed, thankful and relieved. But hours, weeks, years later…I forget.

Pat Gilbreath's great-grandson.

What Miracles Look Like

Some readers found wonder in nature or the birth of a new day. But, for the most part, people found God’s miraculous touch in the faces of their loved ones.

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