The Right Wrong House

One mistake led me exactly where I needed to be…

A mistake leads this man to just the right house

This had to be the place. The gray, ranch-style house on the corner. Garage open like someone was expecting me. I worked for a floor-covering business and a client named Kathy had made a 2 p.m. appointment to discuss her kitchen floor. I walked through the garage and knocked on the door. An elderly man in a plaid robe and pajamas answered.

“Come on in,” he said. “I’m Ron.” He ushered me into the family room, motioned for me to sit. Where’s Kathy? I wondered.

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Guess her husband would have to make all the decisions. I opened my binder, ready to get down to business. My boss had trained me well. Get in, get out, move on to the next customer. No time for chit chat.

“So, your kitchen—”

“Sorry for my outfit,” Ron interrupted. “I just got out of the hospital. I’m scheduled for surgery in four days…”

Ron took me through his entire medical history. His recent lab results, his surgeon’s qualifications, his thoughts on hospital food. I couldn’t get a word in. By the time he came up for air, almost an hour had passed!

“Will Kathy be joining us?” I said, finally.

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 “Kathy? Why do you want to talk to Kathy?”

“She set up this meeting to discuss vinyl…”

Ron laughed. “Come to the window. I’ll show you where Kathy is.”

He pointed to a house a few doors down. A gray ranch on the opposite corner. Oh no! What would my boss say? I said a hasty goodbye, packed up my samples, rushed out and started my car.

Only, I couldn’t seem to drive away. I cut the engine, got out and knocked on Ron’s door.  

“You’re back?” he said.

“Ron, would you like me to pray with you?”

His eyes lit up for the first time all afternoon. My boss would just have to understand.

One month later, I found myself in Ron’s neighborhood for another client visit. I stopped at his house—on purpose this time—and met his wife. She’d heard all about me, and assured me Ron’s surgery had been a huge success.

“He was such a nervous wreck beforehand,” she said. “I didn’t know what to do. Then, out of nowhere, you knocked on the door.”

Do you think Pamela made a mistake, or was she divinely led? Share your thoughts on our Mysterious Ways Facebook page!

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Witnessing Heaven Series

True Stories of Transformation from Near-Death Experiences

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  • Book 1: Heavenly Encounters
  • Book 2: Messages from Heaven
  • Book 3: Transformed by Heaven
  • Book 4: A Love Beyond Words
  • Book 5: A Choir of Angels
  • Book 6: Scenes from Heaven
  • Book 7: A Joy Like No Other
  • Book 8: A Glorious Light
  • Book 9: In The Presence of Love
  • Book 10: Wonders of Heaven

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