Miracle Stories

Miracles don’t just come from ancient stories and myths–everyday miracles are all around us, if we only have our eyes open to see them.

Gut feeling

12 Types of Heaven-Sent Visions

According to preacher and writer Dr. James W. Goll, there are 12 types of prophetic visions in the Bible. As Dr. Goll says, “Prophetic visions are not just for prophets.” They’re signs and messages from God we still experience today.

The Sun peeking from behind the clouds by a body of water.

The Big Question: Is Hell Real?

We’ve always had to grapple with the uncertainty of what awaits us after this life. If there exists the possibility of an eternity of peace, or is the opposite also true? Does Hell exist? It’s a question that philosophers, theologians and thinkers throughout the years have tried to answer.

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