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Adam Hunter

Credit: Daily News

Maybe I Should Buy Rosary Beads…

What’s up with rosary beads and saving lives? Here’s yet another story from the news, crediting the beads with divine protection. This item in the news makes me wonder whether I should look into buying some prayer beads myself.

Thief Caught In A Flash

Today on the web: The incredible story of a family that caught a thief in the act. The Myers family was just posing for a family photo in front of the Wisconsin State Capitol building. The snapshot captured something else too.

My Family’s Own Mysterious Ways

Of all the Mysterious Ways stories I’ve heard, the most powerful for me have been told by my own family. I don’t doubt that things were placed in our way for us to find.

A Miracle In Haiti

A dream brought Haitian orphans a hero. A late dinner saved their lives. And those incredible stories show evidence of God’s love, even in time of disaster.

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