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Adam Hunter

What is the role of faith in medicine and medical cures?

The Role of Faith in Medicine

Mysterious Ways Assistant Editor Dan Hoffman considers the role of faith in medicine and the case of the color-blind neuroscientist as reported in The New York Times.

Looking for koala bears on Kangaroo Island, Australia. Sometimes you have to look hard to find what you want.

A World of Wonder Down Under

Trying to spot a koala bear on Australia’s Kangaroo Island, Guideposts blogger Adam Hunter realizes that it’s easy to miss amazing sights if you don’t look carefully.

Have you made a great discovery by mistake? Or faith?

‘Discovering’ Serendipity in Our Lives

Guideposts blogger and Mysterious Ways editor Dan Hoffman observes that we can cultivate serendipity by being more observant and more open to new possibilities. What great discoveries have you made “by mistake?”

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