Learn how we help

Daniel Kessel

Heidi Siefkas

Struck from Above

Though her life seemed to crumble when she found out her husband was being unfaithful and she suffered a life-threatening accident, the best was yet to come.

Nicole and Shelley, reunited

A Miraculous Reunion

She’d long wondered about the infant she’d pulled from a wrecked car 25 years earlier. Now, she had a chance to have her questions answered.

Florine Thompson, Eric Hall and George Handzo, hardworking chaplains of the HCC

Spiritual Healing

Hospital chaplains have an understanding of the role faith plays in the process of coping with and healing from a serious illness.

Dennis Hale

To Heaven and Back

Twenty-eight men died when the freighter Daniel J. Morrell sank in Lake Huron; there was just one survivor. This is his story. 

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