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Diana Aydin

As time goes by, consider this advice to a younger you.

Advice to a Younger You

Mysterious Ways editor Diana Aydin, at the age of 32, has some words of wisdom for her younger self: Everything will turn out ok. God always has your back.

A cloud in the sky can reflect our hopes.

How to Read God’s Signs

Readers respond to our question: “What makes something a sign from God?” Everyone had a different take. But—like the old adage for finding love—when you know, you know.

How a statue of Jesus revived a weary, lost woman.

When You’re Lost, God Finds You

She was lost and discouraged, trying to navigate her way through a hospital of endless doors, elevators and stairwells. But then she stumbled upon a beautiful sight. Something that let her know God had been leading her all along.  

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