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Diana Aydin

a man looks up to heaven with arms outstretched asking why God

Why, God, Why?!

When looking to God for answers, Diana Aydin wonders if some of her biggest obstacles are really miracles in disguise.

Diana's miracles list that she wrote down lat year.

The Miracles That Didn’t Happen

I’m not giving up on those 12 miracles I wrote down last year. God’s working on them behind the scenes. In the meantime, I’m going to make a new list to open in 2016. Not to measure my progress. But so I can see how God surprises me!

The dollar bill signed by Peter Bilello's wife, Grace. Years later, he got the bill back.

A Dollar-Bill Miracle

God uses everything around us, even something as simple as the change in our wallets, to connect us with one another. To remind us of the power of love. 

George Washington gives props to God for Fourth of July.

The Father of the Fourth of July?

This week I was researching Fourth of July prayers, and I came across George Washington’s first inaugural address from 1789. I was surprised that one of his first orders of business as president was to give props to God!

Can the sound of snoring turn into music to one's ears? A wife is grateful for her husband's snoring after 64 years of marriage.

Gratitude for a Husband’s Snoring

Funny how God can send us a little message to change our perspective. Here’s an anecdote about how a husband’s snoring became music to a wife’s ears after 64 years of marriage.

How do you define a miracle?

How Do You Define a Miracle?

What makes for a miracle, big or small? With that in mind, I thought it’d be funand illuminatingto collect definitions of the miraculous from you, the Guideposts family. That way we can see where we agree and disagree, and better understand God’s wonder.

For Diana Aydin, a Father's Day miracle resides in a pair of tiny sunglasses

A Mini Father’s Day Miracle

For Father’s Day, Diana Aydin can’t remember any earth-shattering miracles to honor her father. But she remembers an ongoing series of love and care from him, and that’s huge.

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