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Edward Grinnan

The Certainty of Tomorrow

September 11 has been carved into our consciousness, but September 10 has stayed with me almost as much, the last day of an era that now seems almost innocent.

Mysterious Ways

Solved Mysteries

When I first started at Guideposts, I didn’t understand the pull of its most beloved feature. Till I saw in them the hand of God.

Protect Your Pets

By now most of us along the East Coast are battening down the hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Irene’s arrival. But as we’ve learned in recent disasters, sometimes our pets and animals get left out of the preparations.

Does Nostalgia Make You Happy?

There is new data that nostalgia is good for you. What makes you nostalgic? Is it a song or a type of music, a period of time, a place, a style of clothing or furniture?

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