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Elena Tafone


The Big Question: What Is Faith?

The advice for spiritual growth is often to lean into faith. But faith is often an elusive concept to describe. Here, we’ve collected the thoughts of theologians, poets, writers and historical figures, all seeking to answer the question: What is faith?

Peaceful lake scene with person looking out from jetty; Getty Images

The Big Question: What Is Heaven?

When we finally pass on from this world to the next, what awaits us? Departed family members? A choir of angels? As long as people have strived for heaven, they’ve wondered what it will be like. Can we even imagine something so wonderful? Over the years, writers, theologians and philosophers have tried. And we’ve collected their thoughts.


The Big Question: What Is Love?

Love is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It can be devastating, uplifting, life-changing. It can move mountains and part seas. But what is love? Browse the musings of famous authors, poets and other sources of wisdom for potential answers to this eternal question.

Woman covering her eyes; Getty Images

The Big Question: What Does God Look Like?

In moments of deep prayer and contemplation, we can even feel his presence. But what does God look like? It’s a question that many people—philosophers, theologians and even poets—have tried to answer.

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