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Rick Hamlin

St. Francis of Assisi who lived a Jesus-like model of love.

My Daily Prayer

“A Prayer Attributed to St. Francis” has been thought to have come from the dazzling mind and heart of a beautiful soul who lived in Assisi back in the 13th century and charged Christendom with a Jesus-like model for love. 

A wedding ring for a long marriage.

The Wedding Band Prayer

Our love for each other is still strong, stronger than it was when we first said our vows. We’re like the inside of the ring, as good as gold. 

Wisteria blooming among Rome's ruins. Photo courtesy Rick Hamlin.

When in Rome

Rome is where Paul is often thought to have found his violent end. There, in dark prison, he wrote positive, light-suffused, love-filled words.

Tax forms. Photo: Thinkstock

Give Thanks for Tax Day

When I drop that envelope in the mail on April 15–or before, God willing–I give thanks. I am incredibly blessed to be living the country I live in, even with all its faults. I vote in every election and I pay my taxes.

A ten-dollar bill. Thinkstock.

Dealing with a Godsend

I stood on that street corner and thought about all the blessings I had been given. Good health, a wonderful family, work I love, a roof over my head, food in the refrigerator. Could I use an extra ten? Of course, I could. But it would be just extra.

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